Tindarnir SJÖ – Frá Vilborgu – 18. maí
vuhu! loksins stytti upp og lif faerdist aftur i kampinn. nu er folk a ferli og menn a spjallinu ut um allt. vid forum to ekki dag tar sem tryggja tarf ad snjoalog seu i lagi hvad vardar snjoflodahaettu a leidinni en vonandi gerist tetta a morgun. a medan hlusta eg a stephen fry lysa ferdasogu. hann er alveg magnadur i tessu.
English version:
Woohoo! Finally the weather cleared up and everyone got so happy in our camp. People are moving around and talking to each other. We did not continue our journey today due to the risk of avalanche but hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get going. In the mean time, I spend my time listening to Stephen Fry’s stories. He is amazing!